High-Paying AWS Solutions Architect Career: Your Ultimate Guide

And unlock lucrative career opportunities in the cloud computing space

Usman Aslam
5 min readNov 22, 2023


Image Credit: Kristi Blokhin on Shutterstock

Greetings, fellow tech enthusiasts! If you’re here, it’s probably because you’re as captivated by the exciting world of cloud computing as I am.

With over 16 years in the technology industry, my journey has been nothing short of thrilling.

I’m Usman and I’ve walked the solution architecture path. As a Senior Cloud Solutions Architect at AWS, my experience has taken me through the complexities of the cloud, where I’ve not only conducted over 80 interviews but also achieved the remarkable feat of earning all 12 AWS certifications within my first year at AWS.

In this comprehensive guide, I’m going to walk you through the journey of becoming a highly paid AWS Solutions Architect, unlocking a world of lucrative career opportunities in the ever-expanding cloud computing space.

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Usman Aslam

Ex-Amazonian, Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, 12x AWS Certified. ❤️ Tech, Cloud, Programming, Data Science, AI/ML, Software Development, and DevOps. Join me 🤝