Your Definitive Guide to $375,000 AWS Solutions Architect Roles

Uncover the strategies and skills that pave the way to lucrative opportunities in the ever-evolving realm of cloud computing

Usman Aslam
8 min readJan 15, 2024


Image Credit: Dean Drobot

Have you ever found yourself gazing at the cloud-filled sky and wondered what it takes to land a Solutions Architect job that not only fuels your passion but also pads your wallet with a hefty $375,000 annually?

Well, buckle up because we’re about to get on a transformative journey that demystifies the secrets to success in this dynamic field.

Let me hit you with a mind-blowing stat: Did you know that the demand for Solutions Architects has surged by 36% in the last two years alone?

Now, combine that with my 16 years of hands-on experience in the tech industry, including a transformative stint at Amazon, where I not only conducted a whopping 80+ interviews but also achieved the incredible feat of bagging all 12 AWS certifications within a year of joining.

You got that right. However, let’s get straight to the point and dive into what it takes to secure a $375,000 Solutions Architect role. Drawing from my own experience and the successes of friends in my network who have landed lucrative positions surpassing the $375,000 mark, I’m…



Usman Aslam

Ex-Amazonian, Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS, 12x AWS Certified. ❤️ Tech, Cloud, Programming, Data Science, AI/ML, Software Development, and DevOps. Join me 🤝